The paper deals with the design and realization of multi-functional computer information system which combines land pricing, land-price database information management and advanced multimedia computer technology together. 该文介绍了将城镇土地估价、地价信息管理与先进的计算机技术有机结合,研制开发多功能可视化城镇土地估价多媒体信息系统的设计思想及实现方法。
This paper introduces the developing schemes and functional modules of the quantities-bill-based pricing software, and points out some problems needing attention in the development of this software. 介绍了工程量清单计价软件的开发方案和软件的功能模块,指出了软件开发中应注意的问题。
The functional units of LOM-based on-line pricing, making an order on Internet, RP products 'and customers' information management are implemented. 实现了基于分层实体制造快速工艺和快速模具的在线报价、网上发放订单、RP产品信息管理以及客户信息管理等功能单元。